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- RFID Hub for use with the IO Expander
- Supports up to 8 RFID Antennas


Customize RFID Hub

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    The RFID board supports up to 8 RFID antennas.  It must be connected to an IO Expander, which is itself connected to a Flex with DMX or any FlexMax.



    Programming in Director
    Most RFID setups will only notify the controller if the paired tag is present or not. You cannot detect the difference between tags, if an unpaired tag is present, or if there there is no tag. Now you can make decisions based on which tag, if any, is detected at which antenna. This functionality opens up a tremendous amount of game options. 

    You need to use the IF THIS THEN THAT Behaviors to program a Flex or Flexmax to react to changes on the RFID system.  You can create Behaviors that trigger when a specific antenna sees a tag, when the number of tags detected changes, or when a specific tag is detected.  Based on that you can play scenes, modify variables, control outputs, etc.  Some examples are shown below.


    IF RFID Antenna 1 detects Tag 1 AND RFID Antenna 2 detects Tag 2 THEN ... 

    IF Number of Tags Detected = 0 THEN ...

    IF Clue Reader detects Blue Object THEN ...

    IF RFID Antenna 2 detects Tag 1 AND Button 1 is Pressed THEN ... 


    You can also create friendly names for the Antennas and Tags in Director.  So instead of "Antenna 1" and "Tag 1", something more intuitive ...

    IF Fuel Detector detects Hydrogen Cell AND Key Detector detects Ignition Key THEN ... 


    Antenna Range
    We measured the range of each antenna through a 1/2" piece of wood.  This should give you an idea of the approximate range you can expect from each size.


    Antenna To RFID Disc To RFID Card
    11x60mm (0.43x2.36") 9mm (0.35") 26mm (1.02")
    35x35mm (1.38x1.38") 22mm (0.87") 35mm (1.38")
    60x60mm (2.36x2.36") 28mm (0.98") 62mm (2.44")


    Supported Tags
    The system should work with any 13.56MHz RFID tag that is one of the following types:
    ICODE SLI®, ICODE®, MIFARE Classic® 1K, MIFARE Classic® 4K, MIFARE Classic® Mini, MIFARE Ultralight®, MIFARE® DESFire®, NTAG2xx®


    - 1 x RFID Board
    - 1 x 6" Cable to connect to IO Expander
    - 4 x Rubber Mounting Feet

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