

234 In stock


- Includes high-quality thunder track
- MP3 Quality Sound
- Plug and Play

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    See the PicoStorm in Action

    Two 500 Watt Lighting Outputs • CD Quality Sound

    The easiest to use Thunder and Lightning Controller on the market. Just plug this thing in, hook up some lights and some speakers and you're done. No audio source necessary, the picoStorm includes an amazing CD Quality soundtrack.

    Lighting Outputs

    You can use any combination of incandescent lights with the picoStorm, as long as you don’t exceed the maximum per-channel capacity of 500 watts. The lighting effects are factory-programmed to perfectly follow the awesome soundtrack contained within.

    NOTE: We do NOT recommend using LED lights. They do not dim fast enough to create lighting effects. Halogen lights are usually the best choice.


    Out of the box the picoStorm is factory-programmed with great sound and lighting effects. But under the hood the picoStorm is more than just a Thunder and Lightning unit, it's a full blown picoFX! If you ever want to change the sound or lighting effects then you can easily reprogram it with your own.


    We hired Emmy award winning sound designer Adam Johnston to professionally produce a CD quality stereo soundtrack specifically for the picoStorm. To get the full experience of this incredible soundtrack we recommend using the biggest audio amplifier you can get your hands on. The picoStorm has a 3.5mm stereo audio output for easy connection to any amplifier or powered speakers.

    Downloads and Documentation


    Quick Start Manual      Download
    Operating Manual      Download
    More Information
    Amplifier None
    Audio Storage SD Card
    Audio Quality MP3
    Output Capacity 500 watts Each
    Output Type AC Outlets (Dimmable/On/Off)
    Outputs 2
    Inputs 1
    Supply Current Up to 10 Amps
    Supply Voltage 120 VAC
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