PicoBoo ONE

As low as $51.99

930 In stock


Updated Sep 2024
- Simple, compact unit
- One solid-state output
- Triggerable

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PicoBoo ONE
PicoBoo ONE

In stock


    The PicoBoo ONE is our most compact and cost effective controller.

    Version 2 at a Glance

    In September 2024 we started shipping v2 of our PicoBoo ONE. It has all the features of the original plus a few more...

    • 4 minutes of animation at 30 frames per second vs 1 minute at 15
    • Added Normally-Closed Input and No Looping options
    • RGB LED indicates output state during record and playback
    • The Output can be left on after scene playback completes

    Real-Time Programming

    The PicoBoo ONE's output is programmed in real-time. Simply tap record, then animate the output by pressing the 1 button. Create any output pattern you want, leave it on, flash it, pulse it. When you're done, press record again to save. About 4 minutes of animation at 30 frames per second can be recorded.

    Trigger Input

    The PicoBoo ONE can be connected to any of our triggers. It's smart enough to know when a PIR motion sensor is connected, automatically waiting for it to warm up to prevent triggering at startup. Connecting the trigger to ground will loop the scare indefinitely.

    The new Normally-Closed Input and No Looping features allow the PicoBoo ONE to be used in more situations. For example, you can now play animation once when a magnetic reed switch detects the removal of an object. This would previously not have been possible because the reed switch would have triggered the controller when the object was placed, not removed, and the animation would have looped instead of playing once.

    Our selection of triggers can be seen here.

    Solid-State Output

    The PicoBoo ONE's output can handle up to 2 amps. It's solid-state, so it outputs either 12 or 24 volts depending on what power supply you use to power it. The output can be set to mimick a normally-closed contact, turning it off instead of on when activated.

    Version 2 now uses an RGB LED to indicate state. This LED will turn blue when the output is on. This makes operation more intuitive and also helps if troubleshooting output or wiring issues.

    Version 2 also allows you to keep the output on after the animation finishes playing, often used in Escape Rooms if you want a maglock or other device to remain off or on until the room is reset.

    NOTE: This output cannot be used to control high-voltage AC devices unless a relay is used.


    Just like its PicoBoo brothers, the PicoBoo ONE has a write protection mechanism that helps prevent accidental or unwanted program changes.

    Downloads and Documentation


    Operating Manual      Download
    More Information
    Supply Current 50mA
    Supply Voltage 9-24 VDC
    Copyright © 2001-present Fright Ideas. All rights reserved.