Output Expander

From $64.99

To $115.77

5 In stock

Use external devices to indicate game progress, timers, and more.
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Output Expander
Output Expander

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    This board will allow you to connect Solenoids, LEDs, Lights, or Relays to your 2018 EscapeKeeper.

    Indication Options

    The Output Expander's outputs can be used to display some of the internal states of the EscapeKeeper. For example, the outputs can display game progress, game timers, input states or clues. Game progress can indicate the position in an input sequence, the number of inputs that are on, or how far they've made it through a Mission Impossible puzzle.

    Any two states can be displayed at one time. For example, the number of inputs activated can be displayed on outputs 1 thru 4, while outputs 5 thru 12 are used to indicate how much time is left. Up to two Output Expanders can be linked together if you need more outputs.

    Note that the outputs on the Output Expander cannot be controlled in any animation, they are strictly to display the states mentioned above.

    Simon Says

    The Output Expander is a great addition to the new Simon Says puzzle mode. The outputs can be used to display randomly generated sequences or states by controlling lights, pneumatics, or any other electrical devices in the room.

    The object of the puzzle can be to repeat a random sequence of outputs or sounds, determine which output turned on last, or repeat a random state. The puzzle can optionally repeat, each time getting more difficult by getter fast, longer, or both.

    For complete details on the Simon Says puzzle mode options please see the EscapeKeeper Manual.

    Power Supply

    This board must be powered by 12 or 24 volts. Which voltage you choose depends on the voltage required by the devices you'll be connecting to the outputs. 12 volts is by far the most common.

    You can optionally tap into your EscapeKeeper to borrow power from its power supply. If you do, make sure the power supply has enough current to power the EscapeKeeper, its output devices, and all the devices connected to the Output Expander. A 5 amp power supply likely would, a 1 amp power supply is likely too small. You must add up the current or wattage of the devices to be sure.

    DIN Rail Mountable

    The EscapeKeeper and its accessory boards are DIN rail mountable for easy installation.


    This accessory will only work the 2018 model EscapeKeeper as it requires the new AUX output. As shown in the image, you can see this output next to output 3 on the EscapeKeeper. It will not work with the EscapeKeeper JR or FlexMax.

    You may need to update your firmware to support this board. Your firmware must be at v2.13 or above. You can always get the latest firmware at help.frightideas.com.

    Downloads and Documentation


    Manual      Download
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